The World Is Going Digital

The world is going digital. Many business have been transforming for years, others are just getting started and some are still looking for a way forward. Meanwhile, the pandemic has accelerated the need and desire for digital services.

Banks like Chime and Marcus have launched as digital only businesses or digital only subsidiaries of other banks to capitalize on these trends. More and more banking is now done on smart phones than in branches.

Shopping for better or worse is now done more and more online. Amazon provides a one-click experience with next day delivery and are now providing other services such as cloud hosting, tv shows and movies.

Other companies are capitalizing on the move to digital as well even if it is only partially digitally like Uber for transportation, Instacart for grocery shopping and DoorDash for deliveries.

TWIGD - The World Is Going Digital - was created to help companies adapt to and leverage this move to digital. And even as the world emerges from the pandemic we will continue to move towards a more digital future.

The first question we asked at TWIGD was how has the promotional product industry evolved? The promotional business, buying hats, t-shirts, pens, pads and other goods with your logo on them to promote your business or message, has been around well arguably since a commemorative button was made for the George Washington in the election of 1789. But not much has changed.

So, while there may always be a place for physical goods to promote businesses and non-profits, there most certainly is also a place for a digital equivalent such as branded games, NFTs, digital representations in the digital metaverse and others that are still to be discovered.

At TWIGD we decided to stop with fun and games, branded games with your logo, your message and all linked to your choice of website. The games can also be launched and "shipped" instantaneously via email or sms with no shipping so they are eco-friendly. And, they can be changed whenever you need. Your Name On A Game.

As Chris Dixon of A16Z said in his famous 2010 blog post, "The reason big new things sneak by incumbents is that the next big thing always starts out being dismissed as a “toy.”  This is one of the main insights of Clay Christensen’s “disruptive technology” theory. This theory starts with the observation that technologies tend to get better at a faster rate than users’ needs increase."